C/ Urrutía, 23
31680 Ochagavía – Otsagabia (Navarra)
(+34) 948 890 189
Hotel Rural Auñamendi is in Ochagavía-Otsagabia, a typical Pyrenean village at the head of the Valley of Salazar and considered one of the prettiest places in Navarre. It is where the valley meets the mountains, where the countryside meets the wealth of architectural and cultural heritage that the locals have managed to conserve over the centuries.
(+34) 948 890 189
Hotel Rural Auñamendi
C/Urrutía, 23
31680 Ochagavía-Otsagabia
© Hotel rural Auñamendi
Ayudas al emprendimiento y microempresas en el Pirineo/ Pirinioko ekintzailetzarako eta mikroenpresetarako diru-laguntzak
Financiado por la Unión Europea – Next Generation EU / Europar Batasunak finantzatua – Next Generation EU
Subvenciona Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernuak diruz laguntzen du