There is an extensive network of tracks suitable for mountain biking in the countryside around Hotel Rural Auñamendi in the Forest of Irati. There is the “Irati MTB” centre with 16 routes involving varying degrees of difficulty and with more than 400 km for you to cycle on. Find out more here. And the roads in the Pyrenean valleys are ideal for cycle tourism: peace and quiet, not much traffic and landscapes that never cease to amaze. For those who are after a greater challenge, we are within a stone’s throw of major Pyrenean mountain passes such as Larrau, Tapla, Errozate, Bagargi, Stone of San Martín, etc. Ochagavía-Otsagabia is the perfect ‘base camp’ from which to tackle these giants of the Pyrenees.
Several cycling competitions and events are held in the area: Irati Xtrem, Larra-Larrau, Pax Avant…
Find out more about mountain biking and road cycling in the Navarrese Pyrenees here. Here are a few routes to whet your appetite, but there are lots more!
Ochagavía-Irati-Ochagavía (average)
Roncal-Güesa-Gallués-Navascués-Roncal [difficult]
(+34) 948 890 189
Hotel Rural Auñamendi
C/Urrutía, 23
31680 Ochagavía-Otsagabia
© Hotel rural Auñamendi
Ayudas al emprendimiento y microempresas en el Pirineo/ Pirinioko ekintzailetzarako eta mikroenpresetarako diru-laguntzak
Financiado por la Unión Europea – Next Generation EU / Europar Batasunak finantzatua – Next Generation EU
Subvenciona Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernuak diruz laguntzen du