Nordic skiing, snowshoeing, horse riding… The Navarrese Pyrenees is a great place for sport. Get moving!
The Forest of Irati and the Navarrese Pyrenees are ideal for all kinds of sports all year round. Here are a few suggestions:
Horse riding. There is a horse-riding centre [Hípica 4 bordas] 5 kilometres away from Ochagavía-Otsagabia on the road to the Forest of Irati from which you can go on interesting horse rides in the surrounding countryside. Find out more about horse riding in the Navarrese Pyrenees here.
Nordic skiing. The Abodi Nordic Ski Centre sits on the slopes of Mount Orhi just 15 kilometres away from Ochagavía-Otsagabia on the road to France via the Pass of Larrau. There are three circuits covering more than 25 kilometres which take you into the forest and along the slopes of Mount Abodi, where there are some outstanding views. Find out everything about Nordic skiing in the Navarrese Pyrenees here.
With 19 kilometres of trails leading into the Massif of Larra for skiers of all abilities, the Roncal Mountain Activity Centre is just 45 kilometres away from Ochagavía-Otsagabia in the neighbouring Valley of Roncal.
Snowshoeing. When snow lies on the ground, the best way to get through the countryside and not resign yourself to staying in is snowshoeing. There are signposted routes from the Abodi Nordic Ski Centre into the Forest of Irati and over the Sierra of Abodi which you can try on your own or in the company of an experienced guide. More info here.
You can also try paragliding and hang gliding or kayaking and canoeing.
(+34) 948 890 189
Hotel Rural Auñamendi
C/Urrutía, 23
31680 Ochagavía-Otsagabia
© Hotel rural Auñamendi
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