Hotel Rural Auñamendi is in the Pyrenean village of Ochagavía (Navarre). Ochagavía is in the Valley of Salazar and is considered one of the prettiest villages in the Pyrenees. Salazar and the neighbouring Valleys of Aezkoa and Roncal are made up of small villages that conserve the rural architecture typical of the Pyrenees to this day. It is well worth taking a stroll through these villages’ cobbled streets to admire their robust houses with steep roofs designed to protect them from the winter snow, passing façades with magnificent doorways bearing coats of arms, breathing in villages which conceal a host of traditions and legends that the locals guard with zeal.
From the summits of the Pyrenees to the meadows lining the river banks, we are before a remarkably varied, wonderfully well-kept landscape.
(+34) 948 890 189
Hotel Rural Auñamendi
C/Urrutía, 23
31680 Ochagavía-Otsagabia
© Hotel rural Auñamendi
Ayudas al emprendimiento y microempresas en el Pirineo/ Pirinioko ekintzailetzarako eta mikroenpresetarako diru-laguntzak
Financiado por la Unión Europea – Next Generation EU / Europar Batasunak finantzatua – Next Generation EU
Subvenciona Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernuak diruz laguntzen du